CURRENT FAVE BOOKS - Hellofromourhome EN

Tuesday 5 March 2019


1. The Dog Man

Recently she has been interested in this books. The book bought by her dad in rewards for the great result on her English spelling test.

Illustrated and written by US author Dav Pilkey. 

You can see the biography at the 3rd pictures. 

The fonts are big. 
The character is a superhero, half dog and half man. The story itself is a funny and silly comic about superhero and the villain. 

She sees the illustration and read the sentences quite easily even though sometimes not to know what the meaning is, and she will start asking us. 
She is also immersed in the story. 

Accidentally we met with other kid who also read the same book but different series at the airport and they share and lend each other book.

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📚Books sharing Her current favourite book, this is a comic book illustrated and written by US author Dav Pilkey. You can see the biography at the 3rd pictures. The font itself are big. She can see through the picture and read the sentences quite easily eventhough sometimes not to know what the meaning, and will start asking us. She will immersed in the story. The story itself is a funny and silly comic about superhero and the villain. Accidentally we met with other kid who also read the same book but different series at the airport and they share and lend each other book. The biography itself such inspirational. You know there are times when people try to make you down but let it be as strong motivation to work hard more. ❤️ ▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️ 📚 Berbagi buku Ini adalah buku favoritnya saat ini, buku ini adalah komik bergambar. Ilustrasi dan tulisannya ditulis oleh penulis dari US Amerika Dav Pilkey. Hurufnya sendiri besar jadi dia dapat melihat melalui gambar dan membaca kalimatnya dengan cukup mudah. Dia sangat menyukai ceritanya, terkadang bisa tertawa sendiri. Tentunya ada beberapa kata yang tidak dimengerti dan dia akan langsung bertanya. Ceritanya adalah tentang cerita dari superhero dan tokoh yang jahat. Secara tidak sengaja kami bertemu dengan anak lain yang juga membaca buku yang sama tetapi seri berbeda di bandara dan mereka saling berbagi dan meminjamkan buku. ❤️
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Thank you for reading ♡

Therefore you do not lack any spiritual gift as you eagerly wait for our Lord Jesus Christ to be revealed.

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