ZOO PACKING LIST - Hellofromourhome EN

Sunday 23 December 2018


We recently visited the Singapore Zoo and had fun. We were able to catch all the animal shows despite the weather was unfriendly. Even though the park closes at 6 pm, They never stop people from getting out of the park. We extend our visit until 6:15 pm, although some animals are no longer in their pen.

Here are some packing lists that my kid and I prepare and bring. I think they are useful for Singapore weather nowadays which is always unpredictable.

There were 3 times rain shower that day with some thunder and lightning.

For the kid:
✔️Tissue paper
✔️Wet tissue
✔️Mosquito Repellent
✔️Activity Book
✔️Lunch Box
✔️Rain Coat
✔️Water bottle

For mommy:
✔️Hair Clip
✔️Portable Charger
✔️Band Aid
✔️Portable Fan
✔️Water bottle

Feel free to comment if you have any thing that we should bring and it is not listed here 🤗

We recently visited the Singapore Zoo and had fun. We were able to catch all the animal shows despite the weather was unfriendly. Even though the park closes at 6pm. They never stop people from getting out of the park. We extend our visit until 6:15 pm. Although some animals are no longer in their pen. Here are some packing lists that my kid and I prepare and bring. I think they are useful for Singapore weather today which is always unpredictable. There were 3 times rain shower that day. For the kid: ✔️Hat ✔️Tissue paper ✔️Wet tissue ✔️Sunblock ✔️Mosquito Repellent ✔️Antiseptic ✔️Activity Book ✔️Lunch Box ✔️Rain Coat ✔️Umbrella ✔️Water bottle For mommy: ✔️Comb ✔️Hair Clip ✔️Portable Charger ✔️Band Aid ✔️Camera ✔️Tripod ✔️Umbrella ✔️Portable Fan ✔️Wallet ✔️Water bottle ✔️Pen Feel free to comment if you have any thing that we should bring and it is not listed here 🤗
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Hebrew 12:14 - Make every effort to live in peace with everyone and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord.

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