SCHOOL PREPARATION - Hellofromourhome EN

Saturday 19 January 2019


Finally the day that was awaited arrived, which was the first day our child entered primary school.

What do we prepare?

1. Shoes with white / black colour and white socks.
Check school rules that require students to wear certain color shoes.

2. Give labels
The school advise to labeling all the school equipment and books.
We also labeled their school uniforms with the iron on label in below pictures.

You just need to iron and the label will sticks.

I followed one mama on Instagram @mmlittlee who suggests to give names in each stationery. So I think it is a better idea, so my kid know and can identify easily what is her belongings.

Name tags can also be purchased at school during orientation. This name tag must be sewn in the child's uniforms.

Label in the text book.

3. School bag
We passed a bag shop that sells travel items and saw an ergonomic bag for primary school children. This bag has a cushion for the spine to maintain posture and provide support for the spine.

Front bag


4. Teach about money and buying goods
Make sure your child brings enough money to buy food at school if he doesn't bring food. If not, children will be allowed to borrow money from their respective classroom teachers with a note that she didn't forget to pay back on the next day.

5. Teach about toilet hygiene and hand hygiene before eating.
In primary school, children will be trained to go to toilet without the help of a teacher. Make sure your child understands how to keep intimate parts clean and hand hygiene before eating.

6. Teach about queuing manner and confidence to buy things.
Children need to be teach when they need to buy things and saw a queue, they have to start queuing at the back. Also make sure the kid has enough money before buying and gain their confidence early to buy things by their ownself. So they will  get use to it and have the confidence.

First day of school
  • The school starts as usual at 7:45 AM until it finishes at 2:20 PM. 
  • School hours will vary depending on each school,
  • Children are required to wear school uniforms according to School rules.
  • Children are also allowed to enter accompanied by parents.
  • When they arrive at school, they will be directed to the canteen by more senior children. After that they will be taken to the school field to attend the ceremony and go to each class with the teacher in charge.
  • Parents will be directed to the school hall for introductions and briefings.

Other activity on that day :
1. Tour at school
Parents will be taken to tour the school area such as:
  • Dental clinic
  • Pick up the school bus
  • Child care at school
  • Sports field
  • Garden
  • Class
2. Seeing children during recess.
Children will be given senior friends who help to direct primary 1 graders to buy food at canteen. We are only allowed to see, not to help them to buy or feed.

Big crowd of parents who want to see their children who enjoy a school recess in the school canteen.

3. Return to the hall to listen to the next orientation regarding school rules and school activities.
4. Write positive words for your child.
After completion you will be required to leave school.

What happened when the schools end?
When the school ends, the kids are sent to the front to their parents. 
Kids who go to the student care outside school will wait at the pick up point as you can see below. 

And also those kids who need to go home by school bus will gather at the school bus pick up point.

Below is a school bus or van that takes students home from their homes.

The early days of primary school will be filled with stories also art and craft activities.
The subject timetable will be shared by each teacher class on the next few days.
In the next post we will share the details of what happened in the first month of elementary school.

Thank you for reading ♡
Hwbrews 2:1 - Therefore we ought to give the more earnest heed to the things which we have heard, lest at any time we should let them slip.

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