Saturday 28 October 2017


This is my second experience to Bromo. Although the second time, but it feels like the first time because I actually do not remember anything. At that time I was as small as our daughter's age now, I was only looked Mount Bromo from a distance.

This holiday we also took time to explore Bromo before continuing our journey to other cities nearby. We left for the afternoon at around 6:00 pm (PM) and arrived at the lodge close to Mount Bromo at around 10.00 PM. But we stopped for about 1 hour for dinner at restaurant that we pass by, it calls Rawon Nguling before entering the rural area of ​​Mount Bromo (I will write this more detail on the next food post).

So the total hours of the trip itself took about 3 hours (without traffic jam). My advice is to choose to travel on weekday because sometimes the travel time itself will takes more if you go on the weekend or holiday season. Many people from Surabaya will go out to take some short trip to other cities nearby.

Upon arrival at the hotel we immediately rested. We have arranged our transportation by rented a jeep and driver for 4 locations below:
1. Above the Hill to see the sunrise with views of Mount Bromo 2. Mount Bromo, hike up to the top of the mountain to see the crater of Mount Bromo that constantly belches white sulfurous smoke. 3. Teletubbies Hill and Savannah 4. Location of Whispering Sand You can choose to go between 2 locations or 4 locations above. But if you choose to go to Teletubbies Hill, it will be counted into 4 locations because the place is the most distant of all locations.

The cost offered for 4 locations is around Rp.500,000, - to Rp550,000, - per jeep / transport. (excluding entrance fee).
For 2 locations is around Rp. 400,000, -
This price does not include a tour guide, only drivers who help to direct but then they will just wait around their jeep.

Entrance Fee:
Each Person : Rp.32,500,-
Each Car : Rp. 10,000,-

One Jeep can roughly occupy about a maximum of 6 people.
4 people sit behind
2 people sit in front + driver.

We do not rent his services for transportation from Surabaya to reach our accommodation  in Bromo. But they are actually also provide the transportation for tourists who do not have a vehicle to Mount Bromo. It is not advisable to use public transport for those who inexperienced because the route is not just only one way, you have to change bus quite a few and it is not guaranteed that the bus will stop in the location that you may want to stop. Because there is no bus stops.

The road to the village of Bromo is also very dangerous because it is steep and narrow, if you drive by yourself make sure your car is equipped and also it is better to travel with an experienced driver of course. The road itself is bumpy and without much road light available for night traveler. We were depend on the Waze application for the direction.

Time: We were picked up by our Jeep driver to see the sunrise around 2.30 AM.

Why so early?
Actually the distance from where we stay with the hill to see the sunrise was only about 30-45 minutes. So in fact we waited very long on the hill to wait for the sunrise for almost 2 hours.

Our driver explained why we had to leave early because actually many other jeeps were also bringing other tourists who would later park their vehicles on the sides of the road. If we arrive late, then the jeep that we are riding are not able to go up to the hill because it is blocked by the parking jeeps. So inevitably we have to walk or if not use paid motorcycles  which is an additional costs.

There are 3 viewpoints to see the sunrise:
1. Love Hills
2. Kingkong Hills
3. Penanjakan Hills

Penanjakan is the highest hill (and probably the best, according to our driver). But the place is being renovated because of the many broken pedestrian path.

The place we were to see the sunrise was Kingkong Hills. Here are many foreign tourists from all over the world.

The third place is Love Hills. This busiest and crowded hills. This place has many small cafes all over the road. It looks like it is newly renovated, the looks from the front are still very nice and clean. Many local and foreign tourists are here as well.

In Kingkong hill where we wait for the sunrise, many local people are offering their rental such as:
1. Chair rental, per chair is around Rp.10,000, - (can bargain it from Rp20,000, - but if you feel like to pay more, you can just don't bargain. their price are standard among all people)
There are 2 types of chairs: chair with backrest or without.
2. Winter Jacket
3. Winter Hats / Gloves
4. Coffee / Tea
5. Socks
6. Mat
We were forced to buy socks there because papa Mich just wearing a sandals. Price per sock Rp. 20,000, - But he asked for her tip is Rp.5,000, -

In addition some people also sell souvenirs along the entrance, as well as food and drinks.

Using toilets / toilet also pay about Rp.4,000, -

At that time of night waiting, the sky is filled with pretty stars. It is a very rare view. Unfortunately our camera could not catch a scene that night.

Actually to reach this view points you only need to follow the pedestrian path and  walk about 10 min. You actually can bring stroller too. There is no stairs here.

The weather is great at that moments, Thanks God, before that we've been praying and hoping the weather does not rain. The air is not as cold as I imagined. Probably because there is no strong wind blowing. The temperature is about 16 degrees Celsius according to our mobile apps, but i bet that it is lower than that.

We actually have no preparation to go here, so we just wear the necessaries.
1. Thermal shirt (this is necessary, will at least heating up your body)
2. I wore 2 sweaters plus hoodie jacket ( cause I don't bring those thick winter jacket)
3. Running Shoes (if necessary wear thick socks)
4. Winter Hat / Ear Cover (optional, for those who are easy to get cold, should cover their ears)
5. Shawl (optional)
6. Gloves (this is neccessary. After a few hours our hands has become very cold / frozen)
7. Flashlight (can bring a traditional flashlight or use our mobile applications, because there is no proper lighting around the hill)
8. Winter Jacket / Coat

The sun starts rising around 05:00 AM in the morning.
One other reason for us to come early is to secure the spots. When you come early, you can stand/ sit at the front without many people blocked you. Make sure that you facing on the left side as the sun will rise from the left side in this Kingkong Hill.
The Kingkong hills has two locations to see the sunrise. If you continue to walk through the pedestrian path you will get to another location with a view of Bromo mountain from close. The view is amazing.

Many people are climbing out of this barrier to take pictures, just be careful if you really want to take pictures outside this barrier.

After finished seeing the sunrise at around 06.00 AM we went to the 3 other locations. Many jeeps parked on the left and right sides. Our driver told me that Bromo has visited by so many tourist, roughly every day are the same situations. It is always packed with tourist. 

We asked the driver to stop in this ash desert. Many other jeeps also stopped here. This could be the good photo spot to take pictures with the background are the mountains and hills.

We went to continue our journey to the next location which is located far away from base of the stairs of the crater of Mount Bromo Sukapura. As you can see in the picture's below that the Bromo crater is still active which is still emitting smoke. Besides walking, you can actually rent a horse to reach the base of the stairs of the Mount Bromo.
Horse Rental Price: Rp.150,000, -

After that you have to climb the stairs to get to the top of the Mount Bromo. The hill next to Mount Bromo is called Batok Hill.

We actually did not continue our journey to reach the top of the mountain as we have limited time. Based on the experienced people, you have to climb around 200+ stairs, And you may smell the strong sulfur smell (please bring the masks along).
At the top the path is a bit narrow, you have to hold on to the barrier actually. That's the other reason's also why we skipped it.

The locations we went next are Teletubbies and Savanah Hills / Grasslands. The weather is so bright that the sky looks beautiful.
It  is called Teletubbies hill because this hill resembles those kids television show 'teletubbies' as when the start of the show when the teletubbies come out of the hill to greet.

There is also a Horse rental in this area.
But the price is slightly cheaper. Around Rp. 10,000.-

Right in front of the Teletubbies Hill is a large savannah or green pasture.

The last location that we went was called 'Whispering Sands'. The name is actually associated with popular Indonesian films with the same title.
But actually it may be named that because when the wind blows, I saw the sand as flying and wavy as it sounds like people who is whispering.

There is also a stones called Lion's rock here.

After don we were back to our lodge around 09.00 AM. Weather around Bromo is very bright, but it is not cold. Michelle was already awake and found we had just returned.

Mount Bromo area is actually has develop. It is now easily accessible by tourists. Even  if you want to come here with your children, it is also possible. You can bring your kids to see sunrise and ride a horse, just don't bring them to hike to the top of the Bromo crater as the strong sulfur will make them suffocated.

Perhaps in the future, we will be back together with Michelle.

The lodge that we were rented was actually a small house managed by the local people there. Of course the facilities inside are not as good as the hotel facilities, but at least the place are clean and safe.
The owner was very friendly, He helped us to buy back a mixed rice from the small food stall nearby. You can see the details of our lodging here.

There are also several places to stay that we passed by, you may click the link below.
1. Bromo Terrace Hotel
2. SM Bromo Hotel
3. Rumah Bromo
4. Hotel Nadia Bromo

Usually Bromo tour will also covered with the other scenic places that is called Ijen crater in Banyuwangi. But the distance is actually very far for us to go, About 7-8 hours drive from Bromo according to Google.The area itself is actually rather close to the Bali island.

If you have plenty of time, you can continue your journey from Banyuwangi to Bali island. From Ijen to the city of Denpasar in Bali will only takes about 5-6 hours including the sea crossing from Java island to Bali island.

We will soon uploading the Bromo video in our you tube channel. 

Thank you for reading ♡

Therefore will not we fear, though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea;

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