JAPAN: SHIRAKAWA-GO - Hellofromourhome EN

Saturday 7 April 2018


We spent our time during our Japan trip to visit a tourist spot in Japan which is a beautiful place to visit during the winter season. This place is also one of popular tourist destination who comes to visit Japan because this place has a historic place. This place is very famous for their old traditional house which is almost 250 years old. Also known for its award-winning spot from UNESCO as a historic place in 1995.

To go to this place there are actually a few ways.
This time, we go via Takayama Nohi Bus Terminal in Takayama. Access from the bus terminal is very close to JR Takayama train station.

You are only required to buy a bus ticket to get to Shirakawago. They have bus schedules every hour. Bus tickets can be purchased below at tourist information center.

Ticket price:
Round Trip:
Adult: 4420 yen
Children: 2210 yen

The journey will be around 1-hour drive.

Below is the bus line to get to Shirakawago.

When we arrived in Shirakawago, it was too late at 5 pm. Many shops and restaurants are closed. Also, the supermarket/minimarket is going to close. We rushed to take a walk around the Shirakawago area. Due to the thickness of the snow, we do not dare to walk in places that are not visible, because we will not know whether it is safe or not. So we just walked over the side of the road. There are several cars passing by on the street, so we have to be careful not to walk in the middle of the road.

Because of a short of time, we tried to enjoy the beauty of Shirakawago that is covered with snow. To the extent that our hands and feet were frozen because the weather is too cold. Temperature showed less than 0 degrees at that time. Approximately -10 degrees. And the heavy snow also falling at night makes our visibility is low. It is also hard for us to take the picture.
As you can see the road behind us is covered by the thickness of the snow.

Heavy snowfall at night.

At around 6.30 pm, we went back to the bus station in Shirakawa. The bus terminal here is very small. In this room where we are required to wait in line for the bus. But because it was late then almost no one was queuing up here. There is no heater in this room where we wait for the bus.

The bus stop where we alight and to depart to Takayama is not in the same place. We need to wait at the front side.

You may wait in the Takayama / Gero gate below.

Beside Shirakawa-go bus terminal there is a tourist information center. This place will close around 5:30 pm. Inside this information room, there is a heater, vending machines, rubbish bin etc. So if you wait for the bus, you can rest here for a moment to warm up.

Follow the gate below

Inside the tourist information, there is also a place to exchange money. They accept the currency below. There is also a bus departure schedule for Takayama below. Do not miss the last bus schedule.

Inside public toilets at this bus terminal. We also find it very difficult to find a rubbish bin in Japan. So we keep all the rubbish until we found the rubbish bin.

Our bus came before the bus schedule. So we felt lucky and immediately boarded the bus.

If you want to explore Takayama Shirakawa using the tour, there are some agents who provide tour services as below.

Or you can order online through this web ISiteTakayama 

Isite Takayama offers a half-day tour to Shirakawa-go with an English speaking tour guide with a minimum of 2 people and a maximum of 20 people.

Tour price includes the price of the bus ticket.

Harga Tiket Round trip:

Orang dewasa: 4400 yen
Anak-anak (3-12 tahun) : 4000 yen

The tour schedule has 2 times: Morning and Afternoon
The Morning tour starts at 08.10 at JR Takayama Station
If you stay at the hotels below, they will pick you up at the hotel.
a. Best Western Hotel Takayama at 7:50
b. Hiranoya Kachoan at 8:00
c. Hida Hotel Plaza at 8:15
d. Hidatei Hanaogi at 8:20

Arrive at Shirakawa at 09:00 and the tour will finish at 11:00
Return to JR Takayama Station at 12.00 - 12.20

The Second tour starts at 13:20 at JR Takayama Station
Arrived at Shirakawa-go at 14:10 and the tour finished at 16:10
Return to JR Takayama Station at 17.00 - 17.20

I suggest if you really want to enjoy the beauty of Shirakawa-go you can book the lodging in Shirakawa. There are some houses that we can book but you have to order them in advance because they are always fully booked in winter.

Thank you for reading  

Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God.

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